Friday, September 21, 2012

Contender Reading Quiz

1. How do the Epsteins treat Alfred after the robbery?
2. Describe Alfred's first day at the gym training.
3. What word is repeated the most on page 53 and 54?
4. Why is that word (the one from question #3) repeated so many times?
5. Who is Spoon?
6. Why does Alfred keep talking about Joe Louis and Sugar Ray (famous boxers)?

Why does Alfred finally thank Henry at the end of chapter 7?


  1. 1. How do the Epsteins treat Alfred after the robbery?
    2. Describe Alfred's first day at the gym training.
    3. What word is repeated the most on page 53 and 54?
    4. Why is that word (the one from question #3) repeated so many times?
    5. Who is Spoon?
    6. Why does Alfred keep talking about Joe Louis and Sugar Ray (famous boxers)?

  2. Not good, they don't really talk to them now like they used to.
    He was kinda nervous and didn't know what to do.
    I think the word was scowl or scowled.
    Because the author wanted all of the people scowling at Alfred.
    He is a white skinny young man who works or trains at the gym with Alfred.
    Because Alfred likes talking about them and the guy who was fighting was just like one of them.
    Alfred thanked Henry for him and his dad carrying him home when Alfred passed out.

  3. 1.they treat him kinda bad and act like he is stupid
    2. It was kinda hard for him but not really because before he went to the gym he was running and training for the gym
    3. The most repeating word o age 53 and 54 is donatelli
    4. Don't know the answer
    5. I don't remember the answer
    6. The Eason he keeps on talking about them is because He kinda knows them and because one day he wants to become a as successful fighter as them.

  4. 1) they didn't really talk to him or even look at him
    2) he didn't do good
    3) scowled
    4) they where giving bad looks
    5) a guy
    6) he want to be just like them

  5. 1. They don't like him
    2. He didn't know what he would become or what he would do
    3. Donatelli
    4. Because he is like the major character even tho Alfred is.
    5. A guy that knows Alfred
    6. Because it reminds him of them in the gym

    AS 6P

  6. 1.They treat him very sketcy.
    2. It was actually really hard, but he learned a lot from the two boys, it was also new for him.
    3. White
    4.The place he went to had a lot of white rich people.
    5.A guy he met at the white people's game.
    6. He wants to be like them.
    Nicole Mitchell 6th period.

  7. 1. The Espetines treat Alfred awkwardly.
    2. People fighting with the beam bag, shadow boxing.
    3. Scowled
    4. Because the author wants you to know that the people in the boxing match are probably rude.
    5. Spoon is a fighter.
    6. Because they are Alfred's role models sort of.

  8. 1. They don't trust him and thay don't really talk to him much.
    2. He had to work out a lot and he wasn' t really useed to it.
    3. Scowled
    4. Because they are black and the rest of the people are white.
    5. Spoon is the doctor there.
    6. Because he wants to be a fighter like them.


  9. Kyle Rowley

    1The same way they did before the robbery.
    2He felt weak compared to the others and then got invited to the game.
    4Probably because he's the only African-amercian there.
    5Jelly's friend
    6.Probably because he wants to be like them when He is older

  10. 1. They were mad at him because he knew about the silent alarms, and they were asking in mad voices why he had been so stupid.
    2. Well the trainer I forgot his name but he was really mean and he was telling Alfred how everyone that trried out and stuff would give up because it was too much for them.
    3. The word is " white"
    4. I think the word white is repeated like a million times so we ( the reader) know that they aren't harmful and there peaceful.
    5.. Spoon is a state athletic commission person.
    6. I'm not sure :D

  11. 1.They treat his really bad.
    2. He was really tired.
    3. Scowl
    4. Because the lady was worried
    5. Spoon is a new friend
    6. Because their there information
    7. Because he felt guilty for not saying thank you the other day henry and his father carried him home. Lv

  12. Alfred thanked Henry because he carried him or took him home the time he passed out.
    Valeria m. 6

  13. 1. He had treated him really snotty.
    2. It was pretty hard for him to understand what they were trying to teach him.
    3. Scowled
    4. Cause I guess Alfred was living through racism.
    5. I think he is a really good friend of jelly.
    6. He want to become famous just like them one day.

    Bonous question:
    Cause Henry and his father took him home that night.

  14. Will they really don't trust him because they would take him to the bank to deposits the money.
    Will he really did know what to do in the gym,he saw people there training and poaching the poaching bag.
    Because it mean to have a mean looking face or to look weird.
    A husky young man with a broken nose his really name is Bill Witherspoon
    Because thy had. Good word with everybody and were man who could be sweet.
    That he was thankful for Hersey because he help when he got beat up by major and his friends and tht was cool

  15. The Epinsteins treated Alfred nice, they were loosing trust with Alfred though. Alfred's first day of training was okay, he probably wanted to accomplish more than he did. A word repeated a lot on page 53, and 54, was the word scowl/scowled, I think they scowled so much because either they were racist, didn't have a good aditude, or wanted to scare someone. Spoon is a doctor. Because Alfred and James had memories together and looked up to the famous boxers. Because Henrey saved Alfred's life.

  16. 1.ther mean to him
    2.Mr.Donatelli was telling Alfred how hard it would be for him to become a fighter and he was telling him what time he had to wake up, what he had to eat, and what time he had to go to sleep.
    4.its repeated so many times because it means something and it's trying to tell the reader a message.
    5.Spoon is a husky young man with a broken nose, he's Jelly's friend.
    6.Because he wants to be a famous boxer too.
    Luisa Brenes

  17. 1. How do the Epsteins treat Alfred after the robbery?they treat him weirdly.
    2. Describe Alfred's first day at the gym training.he had to do real situps nd pushups
    3. What word is repeated the most on page 53 and 54?scowled
    4. Why is that word (the one from question #3) repeated so many times?because its probably important and the author wants you to recognize it.
    5. Who is Spoon?he's a contender.
    6. Why does Alfred keep talking about Joe Louis and Sugar Ray (famous boxers)?
    Because there famous boxers and he wants to be like them.

  18. 1.)
    2.)Alfred's first day at the gym was pretty good
    3.) the word most repeated was men
    4.)it was repeated so many times because there were really good dressed businessmen

    Bonus: Alfred finally thanks henry and his dad for carrying him home
    Jcm 6

  19. 1.)The Epsteins would be asking questions to Alfred about the robbery they also scowled.
    2.)Alfred was really surprised, the gym looked like Reverend Price's Hell.He started with sit-ups.He got fun of his clothes and how he does he's sit-ups.
    Name:Sabina Akhmetova

  20. 1 . They kept asking him question about the Robbery.
    Andrea sierra

  21. 1. They didn't really talk to him for awhile. Soon they start to realize that he had nothing to do with the robbery.
    2. He was very well at all the excersises and got used to punching the peanut bag. He did feel like giving up but soon realized that giving up is never the answer.
    3. From what I've read scowled or scowl is the most repeated word on page 53 and 54.
    4. Because most of the people in the arena don't find the other team/competer very nice or assuming/attractive. And give mean looks.
    4. Spoon is a retired boxer that was a champion boxer and soon as he started to get old he had to retire anyway.
    6. I think because they are his idols? And he admires the way they boxed and maybe wants to be like them in the arena
    BONUS. He finally thanks Henry because he felt bad that the poor crippled boy had brought him home and hadn't even said thanks for about two weeks I think?

  22. 1.Like rude because they blamed him for what happend.
    2. Hard and stress full because he was the only one that didn't have gym clothes.
    3. No, job, somebody and names of people.
    4. Because they are having a conversation.
    5. Jelly's " man"
    6. Because he wants to be just like them in a way.



  23. 1. How do the Epsteins treat Alfred after the robbery? I think that they treated him wrong and got beat up badly
    2. Describe Alfred's first day at the gym training. At first he is like tricked out cause he sees other people but after a while he cool with the guys.
    3. What word is repeated the most on page 53 and 54? Scowled
    4. Why is that word (the one from question #3) repeated so many times? Maybe cause it like the main idea
    5. Who is Spoon?
    6. Why does Alfred keep talking about Joe Louis and Sugar Ray (famous boxers)?
    So they could help him be trained.

    Why does Alfred finally thank Henry at the end of chapter 7?
    For helping him with the training ka7

  24. 1. They treat him mest up cuz he is black.
    2. first it was all dark then he saw a light then he was all happy.
    3. Alfred
    4. Because he is the main character.
    5.4 got.
    6. Because he want's to be a profecinal boxer.
    7. He thank him cuz they carried him that night.

  25. 1. How do the Epsteins treat Alfred after the robbery? They treat him like it was all his fault and that her can't be trusted.
    2. Describe Alfred's first day at the gym training. He is kind of awestruck at all the people.
    3. What word is repeated the most on page 53 and 54? Scowled is repeated.
    4. Why is that word (the one from question #3) repeated so many times? It's important.
    5. Who is Spoon? Spoon is a friend of most of the fighters. He is also a teacher.
    6. Why does Alfred keep talking about Joe Louis and Sugar Ray (famous boxers)? I think that he looks up to them. They were also black and came from humble beginnings, but, they made it to the top.

  26. They ask him lots of questions about the robbery

  27. 1. How do the Epsteins treat Alfred after the robbery: good but weird.
    2. Describe Alfred's first day at the gym training: hard to do it and hard to do the sit ups
    3. What word is repeated the most on page 53 and 54: white, scowled, scowl, red, blue,
    4. Why is that word (the one from question #3) repeated so many times: because people don't like each other so they were like mad dogging each other so being mean to each other.
    5. Who is Spoon? He is a guard
    6. Why does Alfred keep talking about Joe Louis and Sugar Ray (famous boxers)? Because they worked out there and they were champions and famous so he wants to be like them.

    Why does Alfred finally thank Henry at the end of chapter 7?
    For taking Alfred home on the night he was knocked out by the fight from major.

  28. 1.) They Question Him About The Robbery , Like He Knew Anything About It.
    2.) It Was Kinda Bad Because The Other Dudes In The Gym Were Bothering Him About The Things He Does Wrong & They Insulted Him . it Kinda Good Because They Didn't Make Him Pay His Fee Right There Instantly They Told Him He Could Pay When He Can.
    3.) men .?
    4.) His New Friend From The Gym
    5.) Because He Wants to Fight Like They Do , They Inspire Him To Fight & He Also Shadows Them To See How They Fight.
    *Bonus* ; Because Henry & His Father Were The Ones Who Carried Alfred Home AfterHe Got His Butt Kicked
    -Rosa :D (Santana ,7)

  29. 1. Mad because Alfred forgot to tell them that there was a alarm at the store
    2. Alfred was insecure at the gym
    4. It means bad looks
    5. He is the Gardner
    6. Because he wants to be like them and he really likes them


  30. 1. They were kinda happy about it
    2. He was kinda nervous the first day of gym training
    3. Scowl
    4. Because they don't like Alfred
    5. Not sure
    6. Because he thinks Joe Louis & Sugar Ray are really good boxers

  31. 1. Suspicious but nice.
    2. Nervous, still figuring everything out, kind of confused.
    3. Scowled
    4. It gives a mood that not many workers are happy. An angry mood.
    5. A post-fighter. A teacher.
    6. I think they trained with Donatelli in the same gym.

  32. 1. They don't trust him as much as they used to.
    2. It was hard work and he found out what he would have to do to be a contender.
    3. Scowled.
    4. To say that those guys were angry.
    5. He's a boxer.
    6. Because his dad used to talk about them before he left.

  33. 1. They ask him lots of questions about the robbery
    2. On his first day of training it went kind of well because on one of the punching bags he punched it and it hurt his whole arm. And on the other one he practice and did well.
    4.because Alfred was so excited to see that match.
    Andrea sierra

  34. 1. Well, the Epsteins looked at him as if Alfred was a stranger, or something bad was hiding inside of him.
    2. He listened Donatelli's words and pretty much Alfred is doing fine- for now.
    3. Scowled.
    4. I don't really know, but I guess it means: You see someone, then your expression is "What such a loser".
    5. Someone who Jelly knows him.
    6. Because he wants to be like them one day, as a champion.

    Breida Ortiz~
