Thursday, September 13, 2012

The Outsiders Ch. 1 Quiz

1. Who is the Protagonist?
2. What is the setting?
3. Name two of the boys in the "gang"
4. What is the difference between "tough" and "tuff" (you can look in your book for help)
5. Who is Sandy?
6. How are the Greasers and Soc's different?

Answer the questions in the comments section of this blog post.


  1. 1. Who is the Protagonist? Ponyboy
    2. What is the setting? Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
    3. Name two of the boys in the "gang" Soda and Darry
    4. What is the difference between "tough" and "tuff' tough is the same as rough. Ruff is like cool and sharp like a tuff record
    5. Who is Sandy? One of the Two-Bit's many blondes.
    6. How are the Greasers and Soc's different? The greasers are the poor tough ones and the Soc's are the rich selfish ones.

  2. 1.pony boy
    2.ponyboys neiborhood and school
    3.Darry and soda pop
    4.tuff means that your clean and look good and the other tough Is that your strong and not afraid
    5.She was a girl that ponyboy liked
    6.the greasers are poor and tough kids the soc's are rich kids that are mean and have everything they.

  3. 1. The protagonist is ponyboy because he is the good guy.
    2. In the street when his coming out of the theater.
    3. Ponyboy and sodapop.
    4. Tough means that they now how to protect them self and tuff means there kind of mean and round to people.
    5. Sandy is sodapop's girl friend she goes to school and sodapop want to marry her when she get out of school.
    6. The greasers were poor and they were in "gangs". And the soc's were mean and they dressed nice and they jumped greasers and bit them up.
    Isabel ortiz

  4. 1.Ponyboy
    2. Oklahoma
    3. Soda and Darry
    4.Tough is the same word as rough and tuff means cool.
    5.Soda's girlfriend
    6.The greasers are poor and tough and the soc's are rich and athletic.
    Joseph Cruz

  5. 1. The greasers
    2. Oklahoma city ,Oklahoma
    3.Soda and Darry
    4.tough and tuff are two different words tough means rough and tuff means cool
    5. Sand is soda's girlfriend
    6.The greasers and the soc's a different because the soc's a rich and think their all that and greasers are poor and really never cut their hair.

  6. Ponyboy is the protagonist of the story and his brothers Ponyboy is the youngest their parents died in a car accident Ponyboy is 14.
    The setting is. In Oklahoma,Oklahoma city west side of town is where the greasers live in and on the east side of town is where the soc,s live in.
    On person of the gang is Ponyboy and soda.
    Sandy is a girlfriend of the oldest brother.
    The greasers are the poor kids and the soc,s are the rich kids.


  7. 1.Pony boy
    2.Oklahoma City
    3.Johnny and Steve Randle
    4.Tough same as rough. Tuff means cool sharp
    5. Soda's girl
    6.The greasers are poor and the Soc's are rich.

  8. 1the give who got beaten up by bullies.
    2where the story takes place.
    3darry,Paul Newman.
    5her hair is natural blond hair,her laugh was soft she has blue eyes.
    6Sods have speficic thing to hate,and rival hangs.greasers are poor..
    Jason Hallock.

  9. 1. Who is the Protagonist? Ponyboy
    2. What is the setting? Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
    3. Name two of the boys in the "gang" Soda and Darry
    4. What is the difference between "tough" and "tuff' tough is the same as rough. Ruff is like cool and sharp like a tuff record
    5. Who is Sandy? One of the Two-Bit's many blondes.
    6. How are the Greasers and Soc's different? The greasers are the poor tough ones and the Soc's are the rich selfish ones.
